Dear NY Times: Please make one of these for the NSA phone tap program



3 responses to “Dear NY Times: Please make one of these for the NSA phone tap program”

  1. For an article about the Enron trial last year, the New York Times was able to put together this incredible diagram of how prosecutors are using email records to find patterns of illegal behavior at Enron. I want to see them create a new diagram to show how the NSA might use such techniques to track down terrorists. Or overinquisitive journalists. Or whoever it is they’re after.

  2. Eric in Chicago Avatar
    Eric in Chicago

    Have you ever see the work of Mark Lombardi?
    He made lots of these visual maps in the 90s (all hand drawn). He tracked everything from the Savings and Loans Scam to The Bush Family’s Connections to the Saudis.

    BTW, this is the first time I’ve seen your blog. Good stuff, keep it up!

  3. Oh, yeah, I love Mark Lombardi. I have a full-size reproduction of one of his diagrams from a magazine (Cabinet? Esopus? I forget).