Information architects reaching a sound compromise.
One of the most potent themes emerging from the 2006 IA Summit is that on many issues of IA debate it’s possible for both sides to be correct. That is, that you can combine or connect two or more seemingly different design strategies or technolgoies to form a final, superior and holistic design aproach.
For example, folksonomy-based classification systems can be combined with traditional hierarchical categorization schemes to form an even more powerful findability strategy. Flat, printable Visio or Omnigraffle wireframes and page specifications can work hand-in-hand with fancier HTML-based prototyping systems (or even with with lightweight email-only communications) to produce the most useful documentation format for a given project.
Some methods lend themselves to fast and flexible use by designers or users, while other techniques are more suitable to slow learning curves or iterative development strategies. Both are valid and useful design approaches: There is no single “right way” to do user interface design. It’s better to take an opposing opinion and see how it can be assimilated into your design strategy rather than see every design or methodology decision an all-or-nothing option.