Puerto Rican Day Eve



3 responses to “Puerto Rican Day Eve”

  1. I heard a continuous barrage of thunder last night, so I looked outside and saw an immense fireworks display right over the East River. Must be the grand opening of Puerto Rican Parade Day!

    Watching these magnificent fireworks over the Manhattan skyline, reflected off the mirrored glass buildings of the financial district, and knowing that a million other people were seeing the same thing, I was again glad that I live in New York City. What’s great about New York is that things like this, these cultural moments ranging from extravagant fanfares and celebrations to overheard snippets of illuminating conversation, from great curated exhibits to the delightful stuff found on the street or scrawled on the walls, this stuff seems to happen almost every day.

  2. Chris, I simply have to disagree with you. Fireworks are so common place these days and really more a show of extravagance than culture.

    While I do like the flashes and designs over a dark night sky, I think that the fireworks popping for every little (or big) event is simply too much. What happened to the days when fireworks were reserved for July 4th, Guy Fawkes Day, and Chinese New Year (am I missing a couple of biggies?)?

    And just to round out this thought, I still cant think of Puerto Rican Day as anything other than that day in which those women were assaulted in Central Park a few years back and the whole event caught on video tape. I know I know a small group of people ruined it for the rest of us, but that’s what I think of when I hear “Puerto Rican Day Parade”. (sorry if I seem a little blue on this posting).

    Fancy Nancy

  3. I agree that they’re a show of extravagance and not of culture, but hey, so much of New York is that way.

    One the one hand, you’ve seen one fireworks display you’ve seen them all. On the other hand, it always tells me that somewhere, somebody is celebrating something. Even when it’s just a handful of glorified roman candles going off over Bay Ridge, I know that some people somewhere are drinking beer and enjoying the show. And that makes me feel good.

    And tragic history aside, Puerto Rican day parade is probably one of the four or five biggest party days in NYC (up there with Gay Pride, St. Patricks, Carribean, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and, oh snap it is a long list isn’t it?).