South Xy South West 2006


This is my face.

I’ll be at SXSW in Austin Texas starting this Friday afternoon. If you’ll be there, look for me: I’m the guy with this photo (right) on his badge.

I had such a great time last year, my first year attending the conference, that as a result I’m bringing two of my partners from Behavior with me, too; Ralph Lucci and Jeff Piazza (links require SXSW registrant logins).

If you’ll be there, please leave a comment below so I know to look for you and say hi. I look forward to meeting ya!


4 responses to “South Xy South West 2006”

  1. i’ll keep an eye out for you, man.

  2. i won’t keep an eye out for you ‘coz i won’t be there ๐Ÿ™

    have fun!

  3. Are we still having dinner????

  4. Would you buy a car from this man?
