Two months ago, I tweeted the following cry for help:

Client work, biz ops, bizdev, recruiting, blogging, exercising, sleeping, event prep, reading, friends, making art. Family time. Pick seven.

Over the last several months I have made some tough choices about what to devote my time to. And “blogging”, unfortunately, didn’t make the cut.

In short, I have been extremely busy doing things other than blogging. In the next week or two I will try to write a few more detailed update posts about my recent shenanigans, just to get it all on the record. But for now, here’s a rundown of some of the things that have been keeping me away from

  • I’ve been intensely working on some big time client projects at Behavior. We’ve launched a few major awesome web sites.
  • I presented a workshop at the IA Summit in Miami, and had a technology misadventure.
  • I went to SXSW, but thankfully I wasn’t a speaker this year.
  • I attended and made a short presentation about iPhone design at an iPhone BarCamp, and showed off some iPhone design experiments I’ve been working on.
  • I’ve been serving on the advisory board for the O’Reilly Web 2.0 Expo NYC.
  • I did a couple of interesting magazine interviews.
  • My triathlon training has gotten more intense. I raced in a duathlon and placed 23rd out of 120+ competitors.
  • I had some great times with friends and family. Seriously, this was the best part of getting off the blogging wagon.

And here are a few things coming up in my future:

  • I’ll be a presenter at An Event Apart Boston in June.
  • I’m taking a personal vacation in LA right after AEA.
  • I’m competing in the NY Triathlon in July.
  • I’m preparing to start teaching again in a new MFA program in interaction design.

Finally, a word on the weather.


It’s well known that everyone (at least those of us who live in climates with seasons that change) undergoes a certain degree of seasonal affective disorder, where the dark cold months of winter dampen our mood and our energy and where the sun and warmth of spring and summer lift them up again. I’ve never thought of myself as particularly susceptible to this phenomenon, but this year I learned that I am, and profoundly so.

Which is to say that now that spring is here I feel great and have a new sense of purpose, optimism, and ambition for the months ahead.

I am back!


One response to “Spring Ahead”

  1. Welcome back Chris. I know all about seasonal ‘depressions’. Copenhagen has not been kind to me in that department. Hooray for spring then.