

5 responses to “Democrat Party!”

  1. Conservatives like to call the Democratic Party the “Democrat Party” because, as conventional wisdom would have it, they think it makes Democrats sound more sinister and corrupt.

    I propose two solutions:

    1) Democrats embrace the term and just go with it, proper English be damned. First of all, it’s unseemly and sad to keep complaining about it. And secondly, it sounds more like it’s just a big ol’ beer-soaked celebration for Democratic Party members.

    2) Start calling Republicans “RE-publicans”, like “re-call”, “re-fund”, “re-run”, or “re-tard”.

  2. I’ve been “Democrat partying” all day! Talk about a “November Surprise”; thanks, Republicans! Press and
    hold the government fast-rewind button until we get back
    to the “2000” mark, and let’s try to lay down better tracks
    this time. Microphone check. Check, check. Check one
    two. Okay, drum-machine, and bass line. Hit it!!!

    BTW… Hi, Chris. I’m your brother, and I endorse this
    message. (Paid for by friends of the series of tubes and
    the dump trucks making it possible to send this internet
    to your screen. LOL!!!!) 😉 Is this tacky enough?!!

  3. Hey, Colin, what is it with american politicians endorsing tv advertisments? Just doesn’t happen here in the UK.

    Also, what does one.. hmm… moderate? who has approximately half Republican, half Democratic views on policy do when it comes to voting in America?

    BTW, here in the UK we have a party called ‘The Liberal Democrats’, should they be the Liberal Democratic party?

    Alright, 20 questions over, back to work!

  4. Colin: I endorse your endorsement!

    Matt: The “candidate endorsing their own ads” phenomenon is the result of scandals about a decade ago where candidates were making ads that deceptively seemed to originate from third-party interest groups, not from the candidate’s campaign. It was pretty creepy.

    As far as half-Republican half-Democrat, well, it sounds like there are plenty of them out there. I like to think that most of them are really Democrats in their politics (socially tolerant, skeptical of national arrogance, pro-worker, pro-civil rights) but who find some of the trappings of liberalism (the effete know-it-all qualities exemplified by Kerry and Gore, the lingering discomfort with minorities and women in seats of power) kind of personally distasteful. It’s the GOP’s cynical use of wedge issues — gay marriage, fear of terrorism, lizard-brain xenophobia — that have often managed to turn Democratic-values citizens into Republican voters, even though when it comes to the important issues — the economy, the war on terror, civil rights, education, and plain old competant governance — Democrats are far, far more in line with most Americans’ values. (I think this is in large part because Republicans have strayed pretty far from their fiscal conservative, social libertarian roots — neither of these qualities are evident in much of the current GOP, especially the administration and the outgoing House leadership)